Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Gravity Review - Falls on its Face in Space

How much does hype affect movie experiences? I watched this movie on video after it was in theaters and had heard from several people who saw it in the theater that this movie was great. After seeing it, I think I know why they thought it was great and I didn't. 

Gravity, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, is a movie about a team of astronauts working on a satellite when disaster strikes after the Russian government shoots down one of their own satellites and accidentally sends a lot of debris toward the American team. 

When the poop hits the fan this movie shines. All the scenes where things are blowing up, flying around, and there are a lot of little pieces on the screen is when I was most entertained. After all, this movie is darn pretty to look at. This movie is a technical achievement, however I think that is all it is. 

So, here is my problem. There is a point in this movie in which the director asks you to suspend your disbelief. This particular scene asks the viewer to completely forget about the rules of "Gravity" or lack there of and just go along with it. That was particularly hard for me. I don't want to spoil anything, but it was a pretty important scene. After that, I began to question every scene and it's logic. I kept saying to myself, "That wouldn't happen in space." or "That's not how Gravity works stupid!". I feel, that if you name your movie "Gravity" you should probably know how the properties of gravity work. This I feel is just another example of how American cinema is tailored to the lowest common denominator. It asks the audience to not think and just "believe what we tell you". There are some movies that can get away with that, like comedies, because its not supposed to make sense, it is just being funny. Gravity, however is trying to be accurate and realistic and fails. 

If you enjoyed this movie, that's great I'm not trying to call you dumb, you were just better at enjoying the action and Sandra Bullocks amazing performance better than me. I have to admit, if I had seen this in an Imax theater, I probably would have liked it more than I did. 


  1. you may have liked it more in Imax but would that have been worth the enormous price of that ticket? probably not

  2. So....does this mean I shouldn't bother to see it? Or is it worth the price of a netflix video?

  3. If you are the type to question the science of a movie, then you probably would not like this one. It might be worth the rental just to see the cool visuals. Sandra Bullock has a really good performance too.

  4. Aww man I wanted to see this one too.... hmm. Probably still will because I dont watch movies for the science lessons. Lol I'm simple mindes that way.
