Friday, February 28, 2014

The Lego Movie Review - Everything is Awesome

I should really stop watching trailers. Movies would be much more enjoyable if you just went in not knowing anything. I feel like half of the jokes for The Lego Movie were in the trailer, however, (spoilers) I loved this movie. 

The Lego movie stars Chris Pratt as Emmett, the happy go-lucky Lego guy that stumbles upon the one Lego piece that could save all the Lego lands from the evil "Lord Business" played by Will Ferrell. He is joined by an all-star cast of characters including Morgan Freeman, the wise wizard, Elizabeth Banks, as Wildstyle the super spy "Master Builder" and Will Arnett who plays Wildstyle's boyfriend, "Batman". Joining the bad guy ranks is Liam Neeson who plays a good cop and a bad cop with a twistable Lego head with each cop on one side(It's hilarious). There are more celebrities in this movie to list, but they are all very entertaining and each one gets there time to shine. Will Arnett is my favorite part of the movie as "Batman". Lego Batman is more of a full of himself "cool guy" and I thought he stole every scene he was in(which was a lot). 

Every part of the story is another joke and nod, so I won't go into it too much, but what I will say is that the creators of the Lego Movie crafted(see what I did there) a wonderful world that melds real world with fantasy. It is brilliant. For example, the bad guy "Lord Business" is using the ultimate weapon called the Kragle to freeze the Lego world so he can have everything where he wants it. (Spoiler) You find out that the "Kragle" is just a worn out squeeze bottle of Krazy Glue where the only letters visible are KRAGLE. There are many more jokes like this which makes everything feel "real" and part of a complete world. 

Also worth noting are the visuals. The movie absolutely captures the look and feel of Lego. Even though most of the movie is computer generated the world looks like someone took the time to build everything out of millions of Lego pieces(That would take forever). Even when the characters need to build something you will see serial numbers pop up in the air of the actual Lego piece in real life(I'm assuming. Like I'm going to do research). 

If there was a negative I could say about this movie it would be about a sequence that happens at the end. I don't want to spoil it, but let's just say Will Ferrell tries to act serious and it just comes off as out of place. However, it has to be in there to serve the story. 

The Lego Movie has an all-star cast, hilarious jokes, stunning Lego visuals and a heartfelt story reminiscent  of a classic Disney movie. This movie is perfect for kids and adults alike and it teaches both that you don't have to take things so seriously and that everyone is special, just like this movie. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gotta Start Somewhere

Hello, my name is Jon. Welcome to my blog(Hi Mom!). 

Mission Statement: To review movies, games, books and anything else way after anyone cares about them. 

Purpose: To create a nifty portfolio for future endeavors and to unleash the full creative power of this space station!(my brain)

This is not the place for current movie reviews or news, this blog will be way too late for that. I've decided(because I'm too poor to see anything current) to write about whatever I want, whenever I want. Whether it be movies that came out forever ago, books that are no longer relevant(have you heard of this Harry Potter guy) or share some excerpts from stories I have written, nobody knows(not even me). Hopefully my interest will last long enough to keep putting content out twice a week, but who knows if my ADD will allow it(Hey look! Something shiny!). Tomorrow, I will post a blog reviewing The Lego Movie(Hey! That's not old!). See, I'm already doing it wrong. Generally speaking I only watch, play or participate in things I enjoy, so expect a bunch of nerdy topics. 

Like one of my heroes, Jeff Cannata, "I love loving things" so this should be fun(Spoilers: 3 out of the first 4 reviews are negative). So thanks for reading everyone(Mom) and let's start this journey already.