Friday, June 27, 2014

Girl Meets World Review

After watching the first episode of Girl Meets World, I'm worried. First and foremost, I have to realize, this is a pilot. Most pilots are terrible. If you want a great example of that, look up the non-aired version of Buffy the Vampire Slayers' pilot episode. (I would put a link, but it's difficult on my phone.)

Secondly, I need to realize that nostalgia will always be better than the real thing. I loved Boy Meets World, but going back and watching the first episodes of that you notice how much they don't quite hold up. (Still an amazing show overall. Smarter than you would expect if you ask me.)

So, this new show centers on Cory and Tapangas daughter, Riley, discovering her place in the world with her trouble maker friend Miya. The best moments of this first episode came from the parents Cory and Tapanga, along with the geeky kid Farkle annoying his teacher Mr. Mathews (remind you of anyone? Minkus)but that's probably my nastalgia kicking in.

The real problem, in my opinion, was the dialog. The writers were so determined in "teaching us a lesson" that they hammered the point accross so forcefully it came off phony and awkward. Anytime the kids talked it made me cringe. (Kids don't talk like that!) This show has suffered from the new disney format of television and that's exactly what I was afraid of.

It's not all bad. Aside from the parents, another character from disney past shows up and adds some funny moments to the show. Hopefully we will see more from this character (trying not to spoil it).

Overall, I'm not impressed and worried I will not like this show, but if I put aside my nastalgia for the last show, maybe it will settle into it's own world.